
GeoShapes : Parametric Geometry Node Objects

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GeoShapes : Parametric Geometry Node Objects


GeoShapes: Over 200+ non-destructive Geometry node objects ready for your control in Blender 3.1+ !

Creating objects with geometry nodes can be time-consuming. Sometimes you just need some objects in a scene and get your ideas moving. GeoShapes gives you over 200 nondestructive objects to start using immediately. Each object has several parameters, so you can tweak it to your heart's content. Don't let the initial shape appearance fool you—you can adjust the shape to meet your needs.

Below are examples of a scene using the same shapes—changing the parameters you can get very different results.

Example 1a:

Example 1b:

Let's talk about value—5¢ Shapes. It's simple math.

A simple geometry node set up is approximately 10 minutes of work, which means in 1 hour you can make 6 objects. If you make an average of $15/hr, that is $2.50/object. Wouldn't you rather pay someone 30¢ for 1 hour of work?

An advanced geometry node set up is approximately 1 hour+ of work, which means in an average 8hr working day you can make maybe 8 objects. If you make an average of $15/hr, that is $15/object. Wouldn't you rather pay someone 40¢ for a full day's worth of work?

Here are the shape you get:

Version 1.0

Version 1.1

Version 2.0

The Journey Ahead

As I dive deeper and Blender Foundation adds more awesome nodes—the library will expand.

Since this pack hit 200 shapes, the price increased to $10, so I can hold true to 5¢ shapes motto. Once I get to 300 shapes the price will increase again, so now is the best time to get GeoShapes!

Lifetime Updates

This is a big project, so please report any bugs or issues you have and I will respond ASAP.

Special thanks to all those brilliant Blender YouTubers that made some great tutorials to help be understand Geometry Nodes— Erindale, Curtis Holt, Bradley Animation, Jimmy Gunawan, Default Cube— to name a few.

I want this!

You'll get over 200 Geometry Nodes shapes that you can add to any scene.

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